Your asphalt or concrete driveway needs regular maintenance to last. While different types of driveways like driveway pavers do not require as much maintenance, to maintain the attractive curb appeal of asphalt, sealcoat and repave your driveway regularly. But how often does your driveway need repair, and when should you repave your driveway?
How Often Do I need to Repave My Driveway?
Whether you have a new home or an older residents Reese seal your asphalt or concrete driveway every 3 to 5 years. Avoid Seal coating a new driveway. Instead, if you recently installed new asphalt or concrete, wait up to a year to repave. Driveway pavers require different maintenance just involves replacing the broken paver. A good quality sealer for concrete increases performance and lifetime of your driveway.
You need to repave your driveway when you notice large cracks, potholes, and structural damage. Don’t wait to repave. A small crack easily lets in moisture. Cold weather causes water to freeze and expand, leading to more damage. Time matters. Call us today if you need driveway repair.
Which Season?
In general, you want to repave a driveway in the spring or summer. If you live in acclimate with a lot of precipitation, Harsh winds, or cold weather, avoid scheduling repaving during this time. Some temperatures are too cold for asphalt or concrete. Warm weather not only provides ideal conditions for repaving, you waste less time and labor costs due to weather issues.
If you must repave your driveway during a less ideal time of year, work with our contractors at Epic Paving to schedule a good time for repair. Our skilled professionals Will work with you to repair your driveway.
Asphalt and Weather
Warm air maintains a stable temperature during mixing. Hot asphalt needs a specific temperature to set. When the temperature gets too cold the structural integrity of the asphalt can be affected. Compression becomes difficult. A mix that cools too quickly degrades faster. Asphalt needs quick installation. Our Epic Paving professionals optimize our equipment to ensure high-quality speedy repaving and repair.
The Key to Quality Repaving
Whether you choose to repave your driveway in warm other or cool weather, always select professionals who promise high quality and superior installation. At Epic Paving our team works efficiently to achieve the best installation and repaving. Call our seasoned professionals today. Our friendly staff promises you a paving solution the matter your budget. Contact us now.