Prolong the life of your asphalt driveway with effective driveway sealing. Your asphalt driveway suffers from damage over time. Precipitation, cold weather, and heavy use can result in cracks, potholes, and structural damage. The cost to asphalt a driveway is a good value, providing you with years of protection.
What are the Benefits of Resealing My Driveway?
A properly applied driveway sealer protects your driveway from water damage and cracks caused by freezing temperatures. During the cold winter months, the asphalt surfaces expand and contract. This can cause serious cracks. Water further damages the driveway. The cost to asphalt a driveway depends on factors like the length of the driveway and how serious the damage is. Once you apply the driveway sealer, you can prevent damage from sunlight, water, and even air. Repel oil spills, as well.
When Should I Seal My Driveway?
You need to seal your driveway every one to three years. When sealing a new asphalt driveway, be sure that you wait at least six months before sealing. The outside temperature should be above fifty degrees Fahrenheit. You don’t want wet weather to further damage your repairs. Choose a time when there is little rain or snow.
Don’t forget to maintain your driveway regularly after sealing. Avoid major repairs or entire replacement in the future. Clean your driveway regularly. Repair small cracks and damage as soon as you can. If major potholes happen or you notice structural damage, you may need to replace the entire driveway. We provide a wide array of services to repair your driveway from repaving to replacement.
Are you interested in sealing your driveway? With years of experience, we are ready to help you protect your driveway. We provide both asphalt and concrete driveway sealing, repair, and replacement. Call our experienced friendly staff today. We are ready to help you.