Whether you hire professionals to reseal your concrete driveway or try to do it yourself, knowing how and when to apply paint can make the difference between a great looking or shoddy driveway. Can you simply paint over concrete driveway sealer? What do you need to consider when finishing up your driveway?
Why Seal a Driveway?
Firstly, why should you seal your driveway in the first place? Both asphalt and concrete driveways undergo a lot of natural wear and tear. Heavy loads and harsh winters can add extra stress to your driveway. Concrete driveway sealer will help prevent the expansion and contraction during icy weather. Easily maintain your driveway with the right sealer. Protect the surface from oil and grease stains.
Types of Sealers
A professional will choose the right sealer that works best for your driveway. Asphalt and concrete driveways need different sealers. Penetrating sealers keep moisture out. Surface sealers do not. They offer less protection for your driveway and need more frequent upkeep. Penetrating sealer lasts a decade. The sealers can be water or solvent-based.
In general, you cannot apply paint over a concrete sealer and expect the paint to last very long. Instead of painting over the acrylic sealer you can pigment to solvent-based (not water-based). The pigment will bond with the sealer. Speak with our professionals today about how you can best tint your driveway.
Driveway Paints
Siliconized concrete driveway paint can seal the driveway and provide an attractive finish. However, ultraviolet rays cause discoloration and fading over time. Refinishing the driveway helps bring back the original luster and adds protection.
Your driveway undergoes significant traffic and wears over time. Call our seasoned professionals today about how to resurface and refinish your concrete or asphalt driveway. We can help you bring the protection and aesthetic beauty you need for attractive curb appeal. Call us today. We are happy to help you with your next big project.